We want to make sure you’re completely satisfied when choosing us. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us, and we will issue you a refund. Any standard items can be cancelled (all items except for painted and made to measure doors) purchased on this website and receive a refund. To ensure your refund is valid, you must notify us within 48 hours of receiving your goods.
Refund Eligibility
To be eligible for a return, your goods must be unused and in the same condition that you received them in. It must also be in the original packaging in which it was delivered. The product and packaging must be in good condition in order for a return and a refund to be considered unless damaged during transit.
What to do when you receive your items
Upon receiving your items, please carefully inspect them for any faults, damage or discrepancies (i.e: missing or incorrect items delivered ). If you find any issues, report them immediately to Doors Delivered or the delivery driver, and make sure to note it on the proof of delivery. Take photographs and send them to [email protected] within 72 hours. Prompt reporting will ensure the issue is resolved quickly, and the products can be exchanged, replaced or fully refunded.
If a return is required, the customer is responsible for covering the cost of returning the items to us. Failure to report any faults, damage or discrepancies within 72 hours of receipt will invalidate any claims for replacement or refund.
Cancelling your existing order
If you wish to cancel your order, you must let us know by contacting or emailing us at [email protected]. This must be completed within 24hours from the day your order was placed. A cancellation fee of 1.5% of the total order value, plus an additional £0.20 will apply.
If you wish to return your order this must be completed within seven working days from the delivery day of your item(s), stating your order number We will provide details on the appropriate address to which the goods must be returned when you apply. Once the items have been received, we can provide a full refund deducting any shipping costs and restocking fees as long as the goods are received in the same condition they were sent in. Please be mindful that Premdor products as well as bespoke orders are non-returnable and cannot be canceled unless due to a manufacturing defect. Thus, returns due to customer order error or cancellation will not be accepted for these.
Refunds are usually processed within a few days but could take up to 14 days.