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10 Home Improvement Ideas for 2024 – How to Make Your Home Look Completely Different

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The pandemic was a good enough reason for people to invest in their homes – after all, there was nothing else they could spend their money on.

In 2024, the trend continues because most people have rediscovered their passion for DIY projects – not to mention those willing to finish the projects they started in 2023. Here are some great home improvement ideas for 2024.

Redesign the front yard

Doing the front yard from scratch will make your house feel brand new – like you have just moved in. Cover those patches on the lawn with some seeds and throw in some colourful plants in a lovely pattern. The necessity of a new front yard is even more apparent if you plan to sell – curb appeal draws attention.

Apart from landscaping, you can also reconsider the External door – change or replace it. Power wash your front path, too, and you will reveal its initial appearance. Everything will look brand new.

Deal with floor squeaks

Get rid of floor squeaks, especially if you have a bare floor or can reach it. The process is simple – drive some screws into the joists. Add as many screws as you need until the squeak becomes history. You can locate the joists by looking for other nails or screws.

Add screws all over the joists to prevent further squeaks. Generally speaking, you can do it with two-inch screws. However, some subfloors might need longer screws – up to 2.5 inches in length.

Change the internal doors

Get some glazed internal doors, and they will change everything. Doors are often overlooked when completing the home interior design, yet they are pretty large. Therefore, a minor update will make the whole room look different.

There are plenty of choices out there. A new layer of paint will do for old doors. But if they are too old, you might as well replace them – there are different styles to try out too.

Weatherstrip hatches

If you choose to paint your internal doors, you might as well weatherstrip everything around the home. Start with the attic and work your way down. Seal access hatches with self-sticking weatherstrip. If you see insulation coming out, push it back. Do it for all the bypasses.

If the weather strip does not stick, you can fix this issue by adding some extra wood stops. Do it for all the doors in your house. It makes no difference what system you have.

Give your bathroom a fresh look

The bathroom is another room that will make everything feel new with a proper update. The necessity of an update is even more evident if you need to sell the house. Give this room a complete makeover – take your time if you plan to do everything yourself.

Get rid of the old toilet, fix leaks, develop a new shower head, and so on. If the budget allows it, you can also change the tiles.

Update the flooring

It makes no difference if you have bare floors or carpet. If the carpet looks worn, get rid of it and install something else – you might as well opt for a different type of flooring, such as hardwood. The good news is many types of flooring can be installed by yourself – lots of tutorials out there.

If the carpet is still in good condition but looks dirty, you might as well rent some professional equipment and give it a thorough clean. If you install new carpet, make sure you put it before installing internal oak doors first – if you change them.

Refresh colours in each room

Covering everything is the most time-consuming part – the actual painting job is pretty simple and fun. You can always change the colours of your rooms by adding a new layer of paint. It depends on what you have, but one or two coats will generally do.

Update the kitchen

You do not necessarily have to spend a fortune on the kitchen and redo everything from scratch. Instead, how about some new kitchen cabinets only? If your current cabinets are still alright, refresh them. Old countertops can also do with some replacement, not a backsplash.

Refresh the caulking

Recaulking everything is necessary, whether for practical reasons or the actual appearance. Caulk will wear out with time, and gaps will inevitably kick in, too – they will start collecting dirt and mould. The issue is more common in the bathroom.

The project is an excellent start for your home redesign. Make sure you get rid of the old caulk first.

Clean under cabinets

This is one of the most overlooked cleaning projects – take a look under the sink. The sink cabinet is more exposed than others. There are lots of stains and spills, as well as damp areas. You can refresh the area by adding some self-adhesive vinyl tiles.

The bottom line, these ideas are excellent for boosting your home a little. It makes no difference if you want to feel like refreshing everything or you get ready to sell. Small details often make the difference when it comes to home improvements. They cost little to nothing, and they will make everything feel different – plus, there is a great rewarding feeling when you complete such projects.

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What is the most profitable home improvement?

Kitchen remodeling is by far the most profitable home improvement, followed closely by bathroom improvement, garage door replacement, siding and window replacement, and deck addition. If you are looking to sell your home, these improvements are extremely cost-effective.

What home improvements add the least value?

A pool or a hot tub will not help you gain too much on the property value. Going big in the bathroom is not a good idea either, not to mention installing sunrooms, and spaces for random hobbies or replacing the carpeting.

Do new windows and doors add value to house?

Yes, they do. In fact, these are some of the top 10 improvements you can make to add value to your home. It makes no difference if you are trying to sell it or not

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